Le Salon is back!
A theatre of food, conversation and exchange.
"Only Connect" is the theme
The ties that bind, those invisible filaments of hope that
connect the ley lines of the soul. In moments of inspired ehiphany, we
re-member who we really are, our common heritage, source and our
Life becomes joyous, not an ordeal. Lessons are
learned, all is forgiven, and consciously we return to 'Llila' to play
the cosmic game and to create, for we are here to create.
alone or in a crowd, come play, come create, come connect. Bring your
poems, your stories, your artwork, your easel, your guitar, your ideas
and dreams. and share what REDEEMS you and sparks YOUR soul in a
relaxed, unpretentious and informal setting.
Held at both
regular and alternative venues, with different themes and events , Le
Salon/Is-Salott, aims to revive the great tradition of the 18 and 19th
century Italian and French open salons. An intimate and animated cafe on
the move if you like, encouraging social interaction, and the meeting
and exchange of ideas, concepts and artistic expression.
Invisible threads will also showcase 8 poems by Salonierre Miriam
Calleja, interpreted by four actresses dressed in paper costumes by
Bulgarian Fashion Designer and Paper Doll Artist, Petia. Miriam's poems
speak of unrequited love, waiting and the pain of loss, sifting through
the debris of relationships for meaning but also of moments in time
simply captured; arresting tableaux vivants of impermanence
Date: Sunday, February 10, 2012
Time: 3:00pm until 7:00pm
Valletta, Malta (address to be supplied)
Here at Le Salon, we believe, it is who you are that counts, not what
you do. You don’t actually have to produce anything or fit into any
category to be an artist. You are an artist by virtue of how you express
yourself, by dint of who you ARE
Salon is a participatory event. It is what you contribute to each event
that makes it a success. Please do tag along, an idea, a thought you
would like to share, a discussion or debate you would like to instigate,
a ditty, a piece of music, poem, a tract, a short story, an
infatuation, a love letter to yourself, a painting of your own, or by
someone who has touched your soul.
Chez Lempereur, a delightful and earthy three storey Valletta Town House facing Marsamxett Harbour.
15 euros
Includes tea, cake, drinks and delectables, catering by Café Compasión
Availability is limited. Confirmed booking is on payment.
Please book by 5th February
To book and receive details how to effect payment please send e-mail to lesalonmalta@gmail.com
"To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground"
Stephen Covey
"Only connect! That was the whole of her sermon. Only connect the prose
and the passion, and both will be exalted, and human love will be seen
at its height. Live in fragments no longer."
E.M. Forster
For more info or enquiries phone on 99829836
Monday, 21 January 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Up Coming Salon
......hawn riha ta' busbies, u x-xemx nizlet, bil-kwiet f'daqqa, ghax
daqqu u tmienja, u erghba minuti, (ezatt kif ghidtli hux?),
qed tara kif kellek ragun?, u qed tmellisli n-nokkli, ghax ghogbitek rihithom, u qaghduli sbieh illum....
Following an absence of nearly a year Le Salon (Is-Salott) is back, this time in partnership with Cafe Compasion.
The next event is scheduled to be held in early 2013, (given, that we
have all survived 2012 J), possibly end January/mid February. The dates
are tentative because, this time round, Is-Salott, is taking a more
organic, inductive stance, spring-boarded as it were, by 8 wonderful
poems penned by Salonniere Miriam Calleja.
Having been
approached by Miriam, Le Salon, decided to let her poems launch a
patchwork quilt of interconnected filaments, one inspiring the other to
create a multimedia Gestalt or weave of connected, emotive meaning. Thus
we are inviting prospective participants, Salonnieres and artists (both
embryonic or established) to actively bring the next Salon into
fruition by your creative collaboration. Therefore, may we tempt you to
carry out some happy homework, by diving deep into your individual
essences to bear much collective fruit.
The over-riding theme
to the next Salon, is REDEMPTION and the shift in consciousness from a
an increasingly redundant paradigm of redemption through pain, guilt and
blind suffering, to one of awareness, an alchemical transformation via
the heart and spirit.
Miriam Calleja's poems speak of
unrequited love, waiting and the pain of loss, sifting through the
debris of relationships for meaning but also of moments in time simply
captured; arresting tableaux vivants of impermanence. When she
approached Le Salon with the desire to share her virgin scribblings in
the Maltese langue, her initial collaboration of choice was to juxtapose
her poems with the earthy and base chakra coloured paintings of an
artist’s work she had singled out. However, stimulated by the title of
her proposed exhibition: ‘Invisible Threads’, Le Salon decided to
literally interpret this phrase and create a sort of live installation,
whereby different media would be actually inter-connected by a spider
web of transparent ‘string/wire’ . Therefore, in the physical realm; a
poem might be suspended and ‘fastened’ in 3-D to a painting, which would
in turn be linked to a recorded filmic representation, the projection
of which; would be triggered by a participant pulling or ‘tripping’ on a
plastic wire.
So far the reaction to Miriam’s poems has
mushroomed out of its own accord. Petia Zasheva, a Bulgarian artist and
dress designer (who as part of a graduation thesis presented a ‘live’
paper doll enactment of a Japanese adaptation of Anna Karenina), became,
through a chance encounter, one of the first to jump enthusiastically
aboard. Her rendering of Miriam Callejas poems will feature 8
‘actresses’, in different rooms throughout the salon, costumed in paper,
interpreting and acting out each poem individually. A musician friend
of Petia’s ,in turn, was so taken by the possibility of the imagery
evident in Miriam’s poems that he has decided to compose music
especially for the occasion. Another collaboration, involves a tattoo
artist, who will be tattooing on site, and who only accepts clients,
whose tattoos represent, the pictorial indelible acknowledgement of a
rite of passage, a difficulty overcome, an act of redemption recorded.
So dear potential Salonniere, we invite you to don your creative hats
and become the next Salon. Do the poems trigger any itching impulse to
put pen to paper, pick up a brush, choreograph a dance, stretch your
vocal chords, play a note, capture a shot, film a sequence, recount a
story? You might decide instead to focus on how love in all its myriad
expressions and muses has redeemed a difficult moment of transition. The
choice is yours.
This is what one friend and participant was moved to share on the subject:
“I too reject what my ‘religion’ has taught me - suffer and you are
reserved a ‘place in heaven’. I reject it because life doesn't work that
way with regards to material rewards. Material rewards come from hard
work, strong drive etc. It does however apply itself very well to the
inner workings of our ego.
I have suffered in life and I have
had to work very hard, but most of this work has been inner, and when I
look back I see that it has served me well.
In retrospect, I
see that I was arrogant, I absorbed a lot of junk regarding the world
and my relationships to it in growing up. I didn't know or realise that
my word and attitude affected others, I hardly knew that my actions
could hurt or the possible extent of that hurt. Simultaneously, I was
also getting hurt and going through long processes of healing to come to
terms or learn from it properly.
Meanwhile life goes on and I
have learned much, I like who I have become and have a good amount of
self respect and love. When I am respecting and loving myself, I feel a
part of me vibrating at a very high vibration on a happy and creative
level and that's where my art comes from ~ a place within where
everything is healed, with no past and future and where all can be
created, unfolded.
Had I not suffered I wouldn't be here. And
the here I am at is shouting to the world "I want to create!" I want to
create, this is all I want to do right now. Unlike anything else I have
turned my hand to this feels like its growing, vibrating in my core,
overflowing into my body and through my hands by whatever media I
Pain has its reasons and self love is the redemption.”
This is a personal, reflective and heartfelt, very individual response.
Yours may and will probably be different. We would like to hear, see,
feel, sense and smell how you too have redeemed, have been redeemed or
will redeem a particular issue in your life.
We are all connected, so let us celebrate these interdependent threads that link our hearts and beings.
Make yourself a cuppa or two, have a good think and then contact
lesalonmalta@gmail.com with what you will bring to this table, let us
know how you would like to collaborate and be part of the next Salon,
and how you have been inspired by the poems and/or leitmotif (theme).
Café Compasion will be preparing a feast-up of earthy and
healthaliscious delights to stimulate the senses and complement the
Miriam Calleja’s poems can be sent in a separate attachment
For further info you may peruse:
Les Salon: https://www.facebook.com/ pages/ Le-Salon-Is-Salott-an-innovativ e-form-of-socialising/ 224610140943822?ref=ts&fref=ts
Le Salon Blog: http:// lesalonmalta.blogspot.co.uk/
www.cafecompasion.com and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Caf%C3%A9Compasi%C3%B3n/ 302839013154068?ref=ts&fref=ts (a page of RawFood Malta - https://www.facebook.com/ rawfood.malta?fref=ts)
......hawn riha ta' busbies, u x-xemx nizlet, bil-kwiet f'daqqa, ghax daqqu u tmienja, u erghba minuti, (ezatt kif ghidtli hux?),
qed tara kif kellek ragun?, u qed tmellisli n-nokkli, ghax ghogbitek rihithom, u qaghduli sbieh illum....
Following an absence of nearly a year Le Salon (Is-Salott) is back, this time in partnership with Cafe Compasion.
The next event is scheduled to be held in early 2013, (given, that we have all survived 2012 J), possibly end January/mid February. The dates are tentative because, this time round, Is-Salott, is taking a more organic, inductive stance, spring-boarded as it were, by 8 wonderful poems penned by Salonniere Miriam Calleja.
Having been approached by Miriam, Le Salon, decided to let her poems launch a patchwork quilt of interconnected filaments, one inspiring the other to create a multimedia Gestalt or weave of connected, emotive meaning. Thus we are inviting prospective participants, Salonnieres and artists (both embryonic or established) to actively bring the next Salon into fruition by your creative collaboration. Therefore, may we tempt you to carry out some happy homework, by diving deep into your individual essences to bear much collective fruit.
The over-riding theme to the next Salon, is REDEMPTION and the shift in consciousness from a an increasingly redundant paradigm of redemption through pain, guilt and blind suffering, to one of awareness, an alchemical transformation via the heart and spirit.
Miriam Calleja's poems speak of unrequited love, waiting and the pain of loss, sifting through the debris of relationships for meaning but also of moments in time simply captured; arresting tableaux vivants of impermanence. When she approached Le Salon with the desire to share her virgin scribblings in the Maltese langue, her initial collaboration of choice was to juxtapose her poems with the earthy and base chakra coloured paintings of an artist’s work she had singled out. However, stimulated by the title of her proposed exhibition: ‘Invisible Threads’, Le Salon decided to literally interpret this phrase and create a sort of live installation, whereby different media would be actually inter-connected by a spider web of transparent ‘string/wire’ . Therefore, in the physical realm; a poem might be suspended and ‘fastened’ in 3-D to a painting, which would in turn be linked to a recorded filmic representation, the projection of which; would be triggered by a participant pulling or ‘tripping’ on a plastic wire.
So far the reaction to Miriam’s poems has mushroomed out of its own accord. Petia Zasheva, a Bulgarian artist and dress designer (who as part of a graduation thesis presented a ‘live’ paper doll enactment of a Japanese adaptation of Anna Karenina), became, through a chance encounter, one of the first to jump enthusiastically aboard. Her rendering of Miriam Callejas poems will feature 8 ‘actresses’, in different rooms throughout the salon, costumed in paper, interpreting and acting out each poem individually. A musician friend of Petia’s ,in turn, was so taken by the possibility of the imagery evident in Miriam’s poems that he has decided to compose music especially for the occasion. Another collaboration, involves a tattoo artist, who will be tattooing on site, and who only accepts clients, whose tattoos represent, the pictorial indelible acknowledgement of a rite of passage, a difficulty overcome, an act of redemption recorded.
So dear potential Salonniere, we invite you to don your creative hats and become the next Salon. Do the poems trigger any itching impulse to put pen to paper, pick up a brush, choreograph a dance, stretch your vocal chords, play a note, capture a shot, film a sequence, recount a story? You might decide instead to focus on how love in all its myriad expressions and muses has redeemed a difficult moment of transition. The choice is yours.
This is what one friend and participant was moved to share on the subject:
“I too reject what my ‘religion’ has taught me - suffer and you are reserved a ‘place in heaven’. I reject it because life doesn't work that way with regards to material rewards. Material rewards come from hard work, strong drive etc. It does however apply itself very well to the inner workings of our ego.
I have suffered in life and I have had to work very hard, but most of this work has been inner, and when I look back I see that it has served me well.
In retrospect, I see that I was arrogant, I absorbed a lot of junk regarding the world and my relationships to it in growing up. I didn't know or realise that my word and attitude affected others, I hardly knew that my actions could hurt or the possible extent of that hurt. Simultaneously, I was also getting hurt and going through long processes of healing to come to terms or learn from it properly.
Meanwhile life goes on and I have learned much, I like who I have become and have a good amount of self respect and love. When I am respecting and loving myself, I feel a part of me vibrating at a very high vibration on a happy and creative level and that's where my art comes from ~ a place within where everything is healed, with no past and future and where all can be created, unfolded.
Had I not suffered I wouldn't be here. And the here I am at is shouting to the world "I want to create!" I want to create, this is all I want to do right now. Unlike anything else I have turned my hand to this feels like its growing, vibrating in my core, overflowing into my body and through my hands by whatever media I choose.
Pain has its reasons and self love is the redemption.”
This is a personal, reflective and heartfelt, very individual response. Yours may and will probably be different. We would like to hear, see, feel, sense and smell how you too have redeemed, have been redeemed or will redeem a particular issue in your life.
We are all connected, so let us celebrate these interdependent threads that link our hearts and beings.
Make yourself a cuppa or two, have a good think and then contact lesalonmalta@gmail.com with what you will bring to this table, let us know how you would like to collaborate and be part of the next Salon, and how you have been inspired by the poems and/or leitmotif (theme).
Café Compasion will be preparing a feast-up of earthy and healthaliscious delights to stimulate the senses and complement the theme.
Miriam Calleja’s poems can be sent in a separate attachment
For further info you may peruse:
Les Salon: https://www.facebook.com/
Le Salon Blog: http://
www.cafecompasion.com and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/

Held at both regular and alternative venues, with different themes and
events each season, Le Salon/Is-Salott, aims to revive the great
tradition of the 18 and 19th century Italian and French open salons. An
intimate and animated cafe on the move if you like, encouraging social
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