
Saturday 7 January 2012

Simon Sultana Harkins - wahda mill-poeziji/hsieb

Towards the end of Le salon 'The Gramophone Years', Simon read out a couple of his poems which generated a lively debate on amongst other issues; whether art requires an audience. Simon is a founder member of the very novel 'Nisga' project leading to spontaneous intertextual and multimedia collaborations where poetry is written and inspired by music being created,improvised and played on the spot and vice versa.

Dejjem tnissel gewwa l-habba, l-hena li tinseg il-gmiel minghajr waqfien. Sortok qafas il-mewg li jhabbat mal-blat u jonqox armonija bejn il-hsieb u l-qalb. Minghajr kliem is-seher iwarrad ward lewn wiccek ruxxan, xaghrek frieghi guf il-frott, mitluq, mifrux u sa kemm jitwieled id-dlam, u jfegg il-qamar bejn shab bajdan, jien inqimek u noffri dan l-inbid. Ghax ghalkemm ismek jien ma nafx, iltqajt mac –centru f’ruhek, tpaxxejt bid-dija li kont qatt ma rajt: la thallinix aktar fil-biza  gewwa dan il-dlam, sejjahli lura fejn mieghek jien qattajt l-hena. Issa ntbaht. 

Simon Sultana Harkins
Nisġa Project stemmed from a reaction of a general constraint felt in the arts. The notion of compartmentalization of music, painting and so on that has been the focus of popular media. While being aware that such a reaction has always been the case, Nisġa aspires to contribute to the continuation of their line of attitude towards the arts. Simon Sultana Harkins came up with the idea during the summer of 2009 and encouraged others to join in and partake in it. Nisġa being a voluntary activity from different people with different backgrounds who want to participate in a collective creation from these diverse natures, Nisġa’s vision is to reflect the flexibility of human capabilities. Obviously a sense of framework has to be done in order to get things moving. The main focus is based on the context to be created, with the involved bringing in their own perspective for things to be set in motion.

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